Soft Ballistic Panels
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Ballistic protection wearers can rely on
Trust our Soft Ballistic Panel for superior protection capable of withstanding threats defined under the VPAM 3 or SK1 standards. It combines unique ballistic materials and advanced construction to deliver uncompromising reliability.

Independently validated
Independent laboratories and proof houses subjected the Soft Ballistic Panels to grueling tests in order to certify that it meets the highest standards of quality and performance. As a result, it can be worn with full confidence that it’s reliable and effective.

Remarkably comfortable
Advanced technology was employed in designing, engineering, and fabricating our Soft Ballistic Panel. From that technology emerged a piece of strong yet lightweight protective equipment that is comfortable enough to be worn all day and night.

Custom fitting is available
The Soft Ballistic Panels comes in standard sizes but can also be custom-fitted. That’s important because no bodies are exactly the same. By tailoring the panel to the wearer, he can be assured of optimal performance and comfort.

Extra protection
Enhanced protection is possible with the Soft Ballistic Panels. Simply add our stab-and-impact-protection solution. This increases the panel’s ability to shield against knives, needles, splinters, glass shards, and other improvised stabbing weapons.