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Mehler Protection
Naval M-RACC System
Custom-designed protection against projectiles/fragments in maritime threat scenarios.
Maritime fleet protection against shaped charges/anti-tank weapons.
M-RACC Overmatch
Dedicated overmatch-threat protection for enhancing maritime system survivability.
How M-RACC protects
naval platforms under threat
Protects large
exposed areas
Our modular M-RACC armour family is a lightweight solution that reliably provides ballistic protection against projectiles, fragments, and shaped charges. Ideal for armouring a vessel’s vulnerable large surfaces and structures.
Protects potential unit-kill areas
The M-RACC system protects storages, launchers, engine rooms, and other sections where a successful ballistic strike could potentially result in unit destruction.
Protects mission-sensitive areas
For the bridge, command-and-control centre, and other mission-critical areas our M-RACC KE system. Improves the resistance against ballistics threats and fragments.
Enhances survivability in overmatch scenarios
The multilayer design of M-RACC Overmatch helps to ensure unit and system survivability by mitigating localised damage when the vessel encounters threats exceeding protection level predictions.
Protects gun stations and helipads
Reduces injury or death risk for crew members at weapon stations and helipads. No special tools required to mount these ballistic panels, which easily integrate with railings. Available as armour steel solutions and as flexible lightweight composite armour modules.
Protects small vessels
Not just for large naval platforms, the M-RACC system represents a lightweight, holistic solution for small vessels like RIBs that find themselves the target of ballistic threats. The system can be integrated modularly without tools
Protects large
exposed areas
Protects potential unit-kill areas
Protects mission-sensitive areas
Enhances survivability in overmatch scenarios
Protects gun stations and helipads
Protects small vessels

Innovative Ballistic Protection Solutions
3D printing is revolutionising ballistic protection solutions by enhancing design freedom, optimising weight, enabling the manufacture of complex components and integrating additional functions.